Universal Tightness Test System
With the Poppe + Potthoff tightness test stands various components and assemblies can be tested for tightness. Depending on the test requirements, this system is designed with vacuum unit, low pressure or high pressure module for tightness and leakage tests.
The test pressure can be generated with a pressure pump, fine control method, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure booster, depending on each requirement. On the PC, all measuring data are recorded, visualised and documented on the test stand software. A large variety of test programs can be managed and freely programmed.
The low pressure systems from Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau have been specially developed for low pressure, vacuum and air or nitrogen tests.
These test systems enable the combination of diverse test processes in one device, such as, for example:
- Tightness & Leakage measurement with air
- Vacuum test up to 0.7mbar low pressure
- Function and flow rate test