Marco Schmidt becomes CFO of Poppe + Potthoff GmbH

Werther, 07.10.2024
The business administration graduate succeeds Christoph Hentzen

With effect from 1 September 2024, Marco Schmidt joins the executive management of Poppe + Potthoff GmbH as Managing Director. In his position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), he takes over the management of the Finance, Controlling, Treasury as well as IT, HR and Legal within the holding company and he will collaborate with the finance departments within the internationally active group of companies. Marco Schmidt succeeds Christoph Hentzen, who is retiring as planned on April 30, 2025. 

Marco Schmidt (51) holds a degree in business administration with a focus on corporate management and an MBA in innovation and technology management. He has many years of management experience in the machinery, components and plant engineering industry. Most recently, he was CFO at Paques in the Netherlands, which is part of the SKion Water Group.

Diverse tasks and cooperation with different business areas

In the future, Marco Schmidt will contribute his experience in various areas of responsibility within the Poppe + Potthoff Group. In his new role, he will support the company in various areas such as business excellence, digitalization, treasury optimization and performance management.

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